Shanghai 1930s inspired hair....the Marcel Wave Up-do!

Shanghai 1930s inspired look!
It has been a busy week, but as promised in the previous is a quick recap on how I created the Marcel Wave Up-do for my Shanghai 1930s party!

Some of you may know that my hair is very straight and curls or waves often fall out after a few hours of being set with a hot curling iron, so the night before the party I decided to use use a more conventional method to help set my hair. Armed with a mini mountain of bobby pins, curl boosting spray (VO5), heat protector spray (VO5), hair spray (VO5) and curling iron...this is what I did:

  1. I started by forming the ridges of my finger wave and secured the shape with bobby pins on the front section of hair that swept across my forehead. The other side was divided into two mini sections; each section of hair was rolled into a curl and put in place with bobby pins to form the Pin Curls. Then the rest of my hair was put into a simple pony tail and it was time for bed!
  2. The next day I woke up with slightly messy hair and bobby pins still in place, so off I went to my ballet lesson......looking oddly unlike any ballerina with a messy head of bobby pins! 

Waking up with the Marcel Wave (finger wave) still in bobby pins forming the ridge-like waves....

Waking up with the Pin Curls in bobby pins and messy hair.
3. By mid-day the curl boosting spray was applied to help set the finger wave and pin curls.
4. A few hours later, the bobby pins holding the finger wave in place were removed. Heat protector spray was applied and a curling iron was used to reinforce the shape of the flowing waves.
5. The rest of my hair (except the wave section) was twirled into a bun and secured with bobby pins at the back of my head. The end of the wave section was pulled back gently across my ear, put into a curl and pinned behind my ear with some bobby pins. To finish off.......a dash of hair spray to hold everything in place!

The completed 1930s inspired hairdo (front)....

The 1930s inspired up-do (back)......

End of the night after the pins were removed....a very sleepy, curly and tired May!
After the party was over and the bobby pins were removed, I was left with well defined curls from almost two days of setting, especially from the side with pin curls. It could have been a wearable two different looks from one method experience, except for the fact that I just had to wash my hair because of the different sprays and ended up with lightly wavy hair instead. But all's well ends I must confess I prefer my hair straight in its natural form as I tend to only fuss with my hair on the occasions that I need to. Hope this post has inspired you darlings to have a go at creating your own vintage inspired hairdos! Still to come in the following posts is my beautiful friend Amancay's birthday and the Versatile Blogger Award by Karen!

Until the next time,
May xx
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