How-To: My 1940s inspired Pin Up Girl hairdo...Part 2!

My 1940s inspired Pin Up Hairdo...equipped with Victory Rolls this time!
Happy Tuesday my darlings, and I trust you have had a busy weekend! I am back in London after my Vienna mini-adventure.....and what a bit of adventure I will have to tell you about in my next post! But for now, are you ready to continue with Part 2 of my 1940s Pin Up Girl inspired hairdo my darlings?

Just a quick Part 1 last week the focus was on cold setting the hair overnight with a full head of Pin Curls (see photos below). So in Part 2 this week I shall explain how to create some Victory Rolls, and achieve a half up half down hairdo; as seen in the photo on the Right! >> 

For Part 2 you will need lots of bobby pins, some hair spray and a hair brush! [Just in case you missed Part 1 on the Pin Curls, you can catch up with this link: how-to-1940s-hair-par1]
Day 1: Full head of Pin Curls setting overnight!
Pin Curls....Pin Curls...and it's time for bed!

Part 2 and on Day have slept overnight in a head full of bobby pinned Pin Curls and it's time to get Victory Rolling! This is how you might want to do it:
1. Start removing the bobby pins from the second or lower layer of Pin Curls and work your way around your head. You should have some well defined curls after cold setting your hair overnight (photo below).
1. After the bobby pins were removed from the first two lower Pin Curls....
As more bobby pins were removed from the lower layer of Pin Curls....
 2. After removing the bobby pins holding the lower layer of Pin Curls in place, continue on to the first or upper layer of Pin Curls, but leave the last remaining Pin Curl on the top of your head. You should have a full head of well defined curls now (photo below).
2. A full head of curls after unwinding the Pin Curls!
 3. If you have long hair like me then this part could be a little tricky and will take time as well as patience! Using a bristled brush, gradually brush out the well defined curls to soften it into looser natural curls and continue working through all your hair. Don't be surprised as the Pin Curls can really add volume to your hair and you might end up looking like 'Cousin It' from the Adams Family (photo below) for a little while, but fear not!
3. Brushing out the curls....and looking like 'Cousin It' for a while!
 4. For the Victory Roll, comb and smooth out one side section of your hair. Then holding the section of hair by mid-length, form a loop around your finger and continue looping the bottom length around your finger till you reach the end of your hair's length. Then holding this curl-like loop tightly with your other hand, slowly remove your finger from the loop, whilst being careful to keep the curl in place.
5. Still holding the lower length of the section in a curl, slowly roll upwards (turning in toward the head) and continue till you reach near the roots of your hair. By then you should have a big roll on the side of your head, then position where you would like the roll to sit in place and secure the roll by placing a few bobby pins at the bottom of the roll (where it won't be seen). Then spray with hair spray and smooth out any fly-away-s!
6. For another Victory Roll on the other side of your head, repeat steps 4 and 5. So you should end up with a Pin Curl on the top of your head, one Victory Roll on the left side and another Victory Roll on the right side of your head. The rest of your hair would be left down in loose curls and finish off with a spritz of hair spray.....voila! (Photo below)
6. One Pin Curl in top middle and a Victory Roll on each side of the head!
View of the Side with Victory Roll.....

View from the Front.....
View from the Back.....
View from the Top.....
Now you are ready to go to the ball my darling....well almost! A dash of red lipstick and some red nails just to add some glitz! Just in case you are knee length navy dress is from ASOS and platform suede teal shoes from Poetic License London. [If you missed my previous post on the 'New Vintage Look' charity event at Proud Cabaret, you can catch up with this link: new-vintage-look]
Hanging out with the cool dolls at the 'New Vintage Look'....from vintage designers to bloggers and make up artists!
Apologies for the quality and the lack of photos for the Victory Rolls process, but as I was running late again and the Victory Rolls really do keep your hands full I could not manage the camera at the same time! I hope the instructions are clear enough and makes sense, if not then please feel free to ask for clarification and I shall try my best to explain. This coming week looks set to be a bustling one....looking forward to styling a mainstream menswear collection that is Thunderbird inspired, going to a contemporary ballet performance to celebrate my friend Therese's birthday and maybe just a party or two! Also there will be more posts on my mini-adventure in Vienna....including some holiday style, interesting places and travel rants! Keep smiling and have a fabulous week my darlings!!

Until the next time,
May xx

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