Week TWO: Exploring Inspiration [7 Week Self-Love Party]

Happy Christmas beautiful souls! Christmas might be a dreaded time for some who are missing loved ones, finding it stressful to host the festive dinner, or even trying to avoid conflict with toxic relations. But no matter how you have spent the day, I hope you managed to have some peace and joy during the festivities. After a gathering of inspiration and exploring ideas through the movies last week, in week 2 we can now experiment with these to discover more about who you truly are.

In the process of 'getting to know You', let us experiment how your thoughts, beliefs and ideas match up with your recognition of reality and possibilities. Based on the idea of the 'Character You Related To Most' and the 'Character You Loved Most' from the movies you watched, explore the following questions:

  • What do you admire or like most about this character?
  • What similarities in personality does this character and you have?
  • If you could re-write the story, what would you wish for this character? 
  • What does this character inspire you to do, learn or believe in? 
  • Why did this character bring you joy or made you laugh? 
  • What is preventing you from doing or achieving what the character has done and why?
  • Who do you truly want to become and why? 

Feel free to create a mind map to brainstorm your answers, or free write whatever comes to mind in your journal when prompted by the questions. You can use the photo of Week 2 (below) as a worksheet if needed. Allow yourself to be open, curious, imaginative, instinctual and experimental as a child would be. Remember that there is no right or wrong answer. 

This exercise might also help you uncover some long forgotten joys and what you used to love from your childhood or past. According to Aristotle; "Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence." Even if you don't find any clues to your life purpose, uncovering your joys and loves will help you step closer to your true self. Because life is not only about survival and in order to begin a loving relationship, we need to allow space for love to float above our difficult traumas and rise to the surface to be seen....so don't give up!   

Here's wishing you a meaningful end to 2023 and a wonderfully magical start to 2024...


Until the next time,

May  ❤